Friday, March 30, 2007

Bye Bye Teeth!

So Monday March 26th 2007, at 11:45 am was the worst day of my lifeee!!! i got my wisdom teeth taking out , well i guess i cant say i remember much, cause i was VERYYY highhh! that part was alright i guess, ummm but yeah wakeing up during the surgery was not very fun at all. Yes, i woke up with 4 doctors hands in my mouth with a hammer wacking at my jaw. It was horrible, butttt, they gave me more drugs and i fell fastt asleep! on the way home my mom took me to DQ for some ice cream, but it hurt to much to eat anything, i was VERY upsett! butt im over it. For the past few days my teeth have been very sore, and my face swelled like a chipmunck. haha. I cant wait untill im in no more pain! ahh!


MzQbit said...

I thought it might be helpful for you to have a list of types of posts right on your blog. Here are some ideas:

1. Pop Culture
In this category you will observe something new or strange about pop culture. This could be a new trend, a t.v. show, a movie, etc. You should explain what it is and why it is significant.

2. Question?
This should be something you have noticed and wondered about. Anything that puzzles you, perplexes you, something you find strange. You should have lots of questions … and perhaps no real answers.

3. I’m Outraged!
This should be something that you have noticed in the media that you do not agree with, you find offensive, insulting, etc. You should explain WHY you are so outraged. If it is possible, explain what you are going to do about it, and most importantly, RANT!

4. How Interesting….
This is a free for all category where you record things that you have found interesting. It may overlap a bit with the pop culture category, which is fine.

5. Advertising

Anything in advertising you think is strange, good, bad, new, etc.

Hope that helps!

sensgirl1512 said...

hey hunny. It sucks that you woke up during the surgery. That must have been weird. I would've been scared:P. Well I hope your mouth feels better soon.

hews said...

Awww,I hope your feeling better soon! I had that done in the summer. All the drugs made me puke. I looked horrible too. My face bruised, and like i couldnt eat anything for 3 days. All i did was cry. And because it was my summer, I was soo pissed. I had to stay at home in bed for about 2 and a half weeks!!! But that deffinatly doesnt compair to waking up during surgery!

sweety pie said...

awww thats so sad. Ur so cute. Aww i hope it gets better as well. you should just lay back and relax. I remember when I had to get my teeth pulled so I could get braces. I had to get 4 teeth pulled. It hurt so much. I like ur post.